INLG 2024

September 23 - 27, 2024 @ Tokyo, Japan

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, please contact the local chair, Tatsuya Ishigaki (ishigaki.tatsuya [at]

You may commit any paper submitted to ARR since ARR started.

You must commit the most recent version of the paper that has received reviews.

INLG 2024 follows the ACL policy.

When committing an ARR paper to INLG 2024 via the paper submission system, there will be space for you to provide an author response to review to the INLG 2024 area chairs. The author's response is mainly to raise potential concerns about objective misunderstandings by the reviewers and/or by the Action Editor about the technical aspect of the paper. These comments will only be visible to the INLG 2024 area chairs and program chairs. They will NOT be shared with the ARR reviewers or action editor.

The acceptance decisions will be made on the basis of the most recent version of your paper that was submitted to ARR and received reviews. If your paper is accepted to INLG 2024, you can revise it before sending the camera-ready version.